What’s New About Our Services
Alcohol Addiction
Alcohol Addiction is a chronic disease characterised by uncontrolled drinking and preoccupation with alcohol.
Drug Addiction
Drug addiction, can be defined as a progressive disease that causes people to lose control of the use of some substance despite worsening consequences of that use.
Gambling Addiction
Gambling disorder involves repeated, problem gambling behavior. The behavior leads to problems for the individual, families, and society.
Clinical Depression
A mental health disorder characterised by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life.

How we treat
• Detoxification 15 to 21 days after admission (Clients physical & mental examination will be done) (After 24 hours & within 42 hours of admission Clients blood sample will be sent to lab for investigation)
• Psychiatric evaluation will be done within 5 days of admission.
• Psychologist will conduct mental evaluation & case history.
• Biological & psychological treatment evaluation.
• Autobiography will be taken down from the client.
• Psychosocial education program will be conducted in the form of group sessions & individual sessions.
• We carry out group session on 12 step program which covers the Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Social recovery.
• Relapse prevention plan
• Morning Yoga & Meditation / Exercise.
• Silent Hour.
• Family education on Co-dependence
It literally means getting rid of the toxins. Detoxification in alcohol/drug dependent persons is the process by which the body of the person is brought back to normal state of well being from the state of alcohol/drug dependence. Hence detoxification is the beginning of treatment for alcohol/drug dependence which needs to be followed by other treatments to deal with underlying addiction.
Detoxification for persons addicted to any drug also mean the same only differing in the management and presentation.
Detoxification may or may not be necessary depending upon an individual’s age, medical status and duration of alcohol/drug intake.
At ARHA detoxification is carried out under the supervision of Psychiatrist, Physician, Nurse, Counselors and Care Takers.
Group therapy is practiced in almost all rehabilitation centers as it brings about a sense of recovery as they do it as a group. They tend to build relationships which serve as systems of support for all clients.
Individual intensive sessions with the client is an important part of the recovery process. Here the client has intensive ‘one on one’ session with their designated counsellor
Client is also given motivational therapy on a ‘one on one’ basis so as to see what motivates him to stay sober / clean and motivate and build on that to see progress.
This ideally focuses on relapse and what one can do so as to not relapse. They are equipped with information and skills which they can use once they leave the rehabilitation centre so as to not relapse
Information is power. We believe in educating the client. We believe that once he knows he will do better. Education regarding addiction, effects it has in all spheres of his life, what he can do about it are all explained to the clients. Equipping them with these skills will help them understand addiction and they will be able to deal with their addiction in a more effective way. When awareness is given, 50{e12b7ecde12ec7e6cea724398e3b1f65876d7dc7644679d363d94d4a8bbc6090} of the problems are solved.
It is important for them to take part in recreational activities as well so we have recreational indoor activities which are part of the daily schedule as well.
It is also important to work on the physical health of the client hence we have yoga, meditation and exercise as part of the routine which instills a sense of discipline and helps them to be physically fit as well. We have a multi-gym exclusive for the patients.
Involvement of family actively is a fundamental ingredient in the management of mental disorders. Resolutions or at least understanding the area of conflict between the person with the illness and family. Have better and more understanding of the problem, treatment and the limitations of all the measures employed Help and identify the area of communication creating conflict or problem and improve communication patterns within the family Help enhance problem solving and coping strategies and skills.
Alcoholics anonymous are a worldwide fellowship of men and women who share a desire to stop drinking alcohol. At ARHA while 12 step programme of AA is followed here. Other inmates who had trouble due to addiction and now maintaining sobriety are encouraged to share their views. The counselor will guide through
the sessions and will also encourage open discussion while he is steering the meeting. Narcotics anonymous (NA) is also in the similar lines of AA but here it is the other drugs to which the person is dependent. It is generally observed that more than one drug dependence is found while one causing havoc in life.
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